Dear Passengers, according to relevant laws and regulations, for your health and that of others, please fill out this Exit/Entry Health Declaration Form truthfully. If you conceal or falsely declare the information, you will be held accountable according to the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People’s Republic of China, and if the spread of quarantinable communicable diseases or a serious danger of spreading them is thereby caused, you shall be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention, and may in addition or exclusively be sentenced to a fine, according to Article 332 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. 尊敬的出入境人员,根据有关法律法规规定,为了您和他人健康,请如实逐项填报,如有隐瞒或虚假填报,将依照《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》追究相关责任;如引起检疫传染病传播或者有传播严重危险的,将按照《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百三十二条,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金。
出入境健康申报 Health Declaration
无障碍模式Accessibility mode
长者模式The elder mode
1.Exit or Entry 出入境类型 Exit 出境1.Exit or Entry 出入境类型 Entry 入境3.Gender 性别 Male 男3.Gender 性别 Female 女Please select the Mobile number type:请选择手机号类型:Chinese 境内Please select the Mobile number type:请选择手机号类型:Overseas 境外Have you had direct contact with confirmed/suspected/symptomless cases of COVID-19 during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,曾接触新冠肺炎确诊病例/疑似病例/无症状感染者:Yes 是Have you had direct contact with confirmed/suspected/symptomless cases of COVID-19 during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,曾接触新冠肺炎确诊病例/疑似病例/无症状感染者:No 否Have you had direct contact with people having fever and/or symptoms of respiratory infection during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,曾接触有发热和/或呼吸道症状的患者:Yes 是Have you had direct contact with people having fever and/or symptoms of respiratory infection during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,曾接触有发热和/或呼吸道症状的患者:No 否Has your community reported any COVID-19 cases during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,所居住社区曾报告有新冠肺炎病例:Yes 是Has your community reported any COVID-19 cases during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,所居住社区曾报告有新冠肺炎病例:No 否Have there been two or more members in your office/family having fever and/or symptoms of respiratory infection during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,所在办公室/家庭等是否出现2人及以上有发热和/或呼吸道症状:Yes 是Have there been two or more members in your office/family having fever and/or symptoms of respiratory infection during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,所在办公室/家庭等是否出现2人及以上有发热和/或呼吸道症状:No 否Have you had the following symptoms during the past 14 days:请选择过去14日内至今,是否有以下症状:Yes 是Have you had the following symptoms during the past 14 days:请选择过去14日内至今,是否有以下症状:No 否If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Fever发热If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Chills寒战If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Fatigue乏力If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Cough咳嗽If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Difficulty breathing呼吸困难If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:running nose鼻塞流涕If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Headache头痛If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Sore throat咽痛If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Chest pain胸痛If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Muscle pain or joint pain肌肉或关节痛If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Nausea and vomiting恶心呕吐If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Diarrhea腹泻If yes, please tick your symptoms with“√”:如有,请勾选:Others其它不适症状Have you taken any medications for fever, cold or cough during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,是否曾服用退烧药、感冒药、止咳药:Yes 是Have you taken any medications for fever, cold or cough during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,是否曾服用退烧药、感冒药、止咳药:No 否Have you tested for COVID-19 during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,您是否接受过新型冠状病毒检测:Yes 是Have you tested for COVID-19 during the past 14 days:过去14日内至今,您是否接受过新型冠状病毒检测:No 否If yes, is the result positive:如果您曾接受过新型冠状病毒检测,检测结果是否为阳性:Yes 是If yes, is the result positive:如果您曾接受过新型冠状病毒检测,检测结果是否为阳性:No 否Have you been infected with COVID-19?:您是否曾患过新冠肺炎?:Yes 是Have you been infected with COVID-19?:您是否曾患过新冠肺炎?:No 否If yes, have you tested positve for COVID-19 after recovery?:如是,治愈后是否出现过核酸检测结果阳性:Yes 是If yes, have you tested positve for COVID-19 after recovery?:如是,治愈后是否出现过核酸检测结果阳性:No 否Have you been injected with COVID-19 vaccine:您是否接种过新型冠状病毒疫苗:Yes 是Have you been injected with COVID-19 vaccine:您是否接种过新型冠状病毒疫苗:No 否